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Journal Article

The association between self-rated mental health and symptoms of depression in Korean American older adults

OBJECTIVE: The study examined the association of self-rated mental health (SRMH) with three measures of depressive symptoms (the short form CES-D, GDS-SF, and PHQ-9) in Korean American older adults. METHOD: The sample consisted of 420 community-dwelling Korean American older adults (M(age) = 71.6, SD = 7.59) in the New York City metropolitan area. Hierarchical regression models of SRMH were estimated with an array of predictors: (a) sociodemographic characteristics, (b) physical health-related variables, and (c) each of the three depressive symptom measures. RESULTS: The three measures of depressive symptoms were interrelated, and each of them made a significant contribution to the multivariate models of SRMH. The amount of variance explained by the short-form CES-D, GDS-SF, and PHQ-9 was 11%, 10%, and 16%, respectively. CONCLUSION: Findings show a moderately strong linkage between the measures of depressive symptoms and SRMH and invite further research on SRMH in diverse populations.

Y. Jang
N.S. Park
G. Kim
K.H. Kwag
S. Roh
D.A. Chiriboga
Publication Date