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Journal Article

Influenza vaccine supply and racial/ethnic disparities in vaccination among the elderly

BACKGROUND: The impact of vaccine shortages on disparities in influenza vaccination is uncertain. PURPOSE: The objective of this research was to examine the association between influenza vaccine supply and racial/ethnic disparities in vaccination rates among elderly Medicare beneficiaries. METHODS: Cross-sectional multivariable logistic regression analyses were performed in 2010 to examine whether racial/ethnic disparities in vaccination rates changed across two consecutive seasons: from (Period 1) 2000-2001 and 2001-2002 seasons through (Period 4) 2003-2004 and 2004-2005 seasons. Self-reported receipt of influenza vaccine across consecutive years was examined among community-dwelling non-Hispanic African-American (AA); non-Hispanic white (W); English-speaking Hispanic (EH); and Spanish-speaking Hispanic (SH) elderly enrolled in the Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey (unweighted n=2306-2504, weighted n=8.23-8.99 million for Periods 1 through 4). RESULTS: During Periods 1 and 2, when vaccine supply increased nationally, adjusted racial/ethnic disparities in the influenza vaccination rate decreased by 1.8%-7.4% (W-AA disparity); 4.5%-6.6% (W-EH disparity); and 6.6%-11% (W-SH disparity) (all p

B.K. Yoo
M. Kasajima
C.E. Phelps
K. Fiscella
N.M. Bennett
P.G. Szilagyi
Publication Date